Best Tummy Tuck Recovery

Renovated Me BLOG POSTS Tummy Tuck Recovery It takes six weeks for the body to heal from tummy tuck surgery. Swelling may last several weeks, but most patients are fully recovered in three months or less. At this point, it’s safe to begin exercising and resuming normal activities. <br> You will need to take about 4 to 6 weeks off work and exercise. You will not be able to drive for a few weeks after the operation (your surgeon and insurance company can advise you about this). It takes about 6 weeks to fully recover and to see the full effect of a tummy tuck Recovery tips following tummy tuck are: Take pain medication as directed. Wear a compression garment. Use ice packs to minimize pain and swelling. Limit jerky and quick movements. Move around the house to keep your circulation going. Drink lots of water. Get adequate bed rest. Don’t stay in one position too long. Your tummy tuck recovery kit Post-surgery compression garments. Over-the-counter or prescription pain medications. Bandages and gauze pads. Antibiotic cream. Hand sanitizer. Water bottle. Ice packs It takes about 6 weeks to fully recover and to see the full effect of a tummy tuck. You’ll usually need to wear a special type of corset or tummy-control pants for 6 weeks, to encourage your skin to heal properly and to reduce any swelling. Need more information about Tummy Tuck? For more information about our Tummy Tuck surgery package, you can contact us and get more details.
Breast Implants Recovery

Renovated Me BLOG POSTS Recovery after Breast Implants When it comes to recovery from breast augmentation, closely following your surgeon’s post-operative instructions is critical to avoiding unwanted side effects and ensuring your new breasts heal correctly. Each person heals at their own pace, so take it easy, be a patient patient, and avoid rushing into anything – you don’t want to undo all your surgeon’s hard work! During the first 48 hours, you may experience an elevated body temperature, fatigue, and soreness. Don’t panic if your breasts appear a bit larger than expected. While major post-op swelling should resolve quickly, your breasts may remain swollen and tender to touch for a month or longer. You could also experience a feeling of tightness in the chest area as your skin adjusts to your new breast size. Immediately after surgery, you will need to use a medical compression bra, also called a surgical or post-op bra, without underwires. This support garment will minimize movement and maintain the carefully constructed pockets your surgeon created for your implants. Your surgeon will provide or recommend the best bra after breast augmentation or reconstruction, along with instructions on how to wear it, for how long, and how to transition to a supportive sports bra and ultimately regular clothing. Take post-op medication exactly as prescribed and contact your surgeon immediately if you have concerns about them. They can always adjust them if needed. Do not drink alcohol or take unprescribed drugs for 48 hours after surgery. Wait 24 hours before you bathe after surgery. You’re likely to feel groggy and disoriented (and possibly nauseated) until the anaesthesia wears off completely. Arrange in advance a safe way to get home after surgery, and keep a thick, disposable bag handy in case nausea gets the best of you. Do not drive for at least two days after surgery. Avoid any strenuous activities for at least a couple of weeks after surgery. Need more information about Breast Implants? For more information about our you can contact us and get more details. Breast Implants Recovery Keep your arms and elbows close to your sides and avoid lifting weights until allowed by your surgeon. As MOTIVA implants are smooth and not textured, patients can resume full activity earlier than with other brands of implants – at around six weeks post op. Most patients can resume work and physical activities after two weeks, starting with lower-body exercises and slowly building to full-body muscular activity. Your surgeon may or may not advise breast massage. Set up your surroundings in advance to sleep or rest with your head slightly elevated for as long as your surgeon says to (typically about a week), avoiding lateral positions. Do not expose your breasts directly to sunlight until approved by your surgeon. Once you’re in the clear, make sure you slather on the sunscreen – which better be broad spectrum with an SPF of 30 or higher! Your surgeon may recommend a topical cream or ointment with accompanying instructions. Pregnancy and nursing after breast implant surgery may cause breast tissue and muscle changes that could lead to ptosis (drooping) and flipping. If you plan to get pregnant and/or breastfeed after receiving implants, you must mention this to your surgeon well in advance of your surgery.
Best Breast Implant

Renovated Me BLOG POSTS Motiva breast Implants A Full, Round, Shapely Breast It provides the highest projection and a complete filling of the upper pole. Perkier and more youthful appearance. Stable round soft look and feel. Motiva Breast Implants are medical-grade silicone implants with a specially designed form and texture. The manufacturer’s vision is to exceed current quality standards for breast implants. To achieve this, their product has been extensively tested in three major areas – chemically, physically and biologically. Balanced firmness, with a perkier and youthful appearance. It is designed to provide the highest projection, and a complete filling of the upper pole of the breast. Motiva® Round is a round implant filled for firmness without compromising softness. When it comes to recovery from breast augmentation, closely following your surgeon’s post-operative instructions is critical to avoiding unwanted side effects and ensuring your new breasts heal correctly. Each person heals at their own pace, so take it easy, be a patient patient, and avoid rushing into anything – you don’t want to undo all your surgeon’s hard work! The World’s First Ergonomic Breast Implant With ProgressiveGel Ultima® that smoothly adapts and follows your movements. Designed to look and feel as natural as possible. Projection in proportion to your natural figure. Need more information about Breast Implants? For more information about our you can contact us and get more details.
Deep Plane facelift or typical facelift?

Renovated Me BLOG POSTS Deep Plane facelift or typical facelift? The key difference between SMAS facelift and deep plane lift is that in SMAS surgery, the SMAS tissue layer and skin are lifted separately. In comparison, with deep plane lift, the skin, muscles, and SMAS are all pulled up together Although the Deep Plane is technically a more challenging and lengthy procedure compared to superficial SMAS facelifts , it offers a number of advantages, which made it the go-to choice for natural, long-lasting results in modern facial rejuvenation surgery. Firstly, the entry point of the deep plane is closer to the medial soft tissues compared to other SMAS flap techniques. This allows direct access to the areas of concern that need re-suspension using the SMAS. This is a significant biomechanical advantage compared to the traditional facelifts . Surgeon is able to perform an extensive release and directly access the ptotic medial facial soft tissues. This allows a very effective re-suspension of the SMAS and platysma with no need to apply excessive tension. Releasing the ligaments and other dense fibrous attachments in the deep plane allows for the SMAS and platysma to be re-suspended with minimal tension. This is very important in terms of the longevity of this technique as there is less risk of early failure and snapping of the SMAS suspension sutures from too much tension. The results are also more natural eliminating the unattractive look of excessively pulled tissues. In addition, there is less risk of suture “cheesewiring” through the SMAS, a situation that often creates dents or other irregularities in the face. Another advantage of the deep plane technique is the improvement that can be achieved in the midface region. By freeing up the ligaments during the extended deep plane facelift, it is possible to access and reposition the ptotic midface fat compartments and restore the volume and projection on the malar eminence. This is not possible with conventional facelifts where the zygomatic ligament remains uninterrupted and the effect on the midface is minimal. Finally, with the extended deep plane dissection in the neck it is possible to free up the platysma muscle to approximately 5 cm below the jawline. A platysma flap is then created via a back-cut and this flap is re-suspended to the mastoid area creating a crisp, youthful jawline. The posterior jawline, which has lost volume with age, can be also augmented by repositioning SMAS tissue. The Platysma back cut transects some of the unwanted vertical bands, but also creates a flap that acts as a hammock supporting the ptotic deep neck tissues, including the submandibular glands. The deep plane facelift is a safe and durable method to address the aging changes of the neck, jowls, nasolabial fold, and malar fat pad. The technique is helpful to avoid a previously created surgical plane in secondary facelifts. Why do results of a deep plane facelift last longer than a typical facelift? The results of a deep plane facelift surgery last for over fifteen years. Patients will continue to age normally after the surgery is performed, but the results are long lasting. Even 15 years after deep plane facelift surgery, patients will continue to look as youthful as they did on the day of surgery The deep plane facelift is more technically difficult and takes additional time than other types of facelifts. Therefore, many surgeons do not perform the procedure. The extended deep plane facelift provides long-lasting improvement in the midface and lower lids, in addition to the neck and jawline. The extended deep plane facelift restores a youthful appearance and removes excess skin for a natural result. The extended deep plane procedure is more effective than other facelift procedures for many reasons, including more extensive dissection to resuspend the deeper layers that are not addressed with the other types of lifts. Need more information about Tummy Tuck? For more information about our Tummy Tuck surgery package, you can contact us and get more details.
What is Deep Plane Facelift?

Renovated Me BLOG POSTS Deep Plane Facelift The term deep plane facelift refers to an anatomical space located between the SMAS layer and the deeper tissue in the face and neck. By entering into this deeper space, the SMAS (and the platysma) can be completely released from the underlying tissues, allowing for a more effective, tension-free suspension. The SMAS and Platysma become free not only from the skin but also from the deeper layers, where the masseter muscle and the facial nerve branches are found. The separation (or undermining) however of the skin flap from the SMAS is less extensive leaving them attached together towards the middle of the face, hence the term “composite flap”. What age is best for deep plane facelift? In most cases, a facelift works best for people in their 40s, 50s, and 60s when signs of aging begin to become prevalent. Deep lines, wrinkles, fine lines, and sagging skin are the result of the aging process and can be best corrected through surgical techniques rather than non-surgical ones. Who is a good candidate for deep plane facelift? You can be a candidate for a deep-plane facelift if you have extremely loose skin on your neck and face. These drastic facial changes caused by aging tend to make you appear upset, tired, or even angry, even if you’re really not. Need more information about Face Lift? For more information about our you can contact us and get more details.