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Dental Treatments (Dentistry) in Turkey

Dental treatment (Dentistry) in Turkey is becoming indispensable for Turkish and foreign patients living abroad. Renovated Me offers you professional dental treatments.
Good quality cosmetic dentistry can be prohibitively expensive in many countries, which is why dental health travel is becoming increasingly popular. You gain access to a high standard of dental care while combining your visit with a holiday. Turkey is a wonderful destination for a vacation, offering beautiful beaches, historical sites, fantastic shopping, and of course, fabulous Mediterranean food in Antalya.
Our experienced dentists are devoted to providing you the warmest experience ever. And our friendly team of dentists listens to your needs carefully and works accordingly to give you the aesthetic and pleasant smile of your dreams.
We are with you as an experienced dental team, patient coordinator and medical tourism agent to ensure you get the best dental travel experience throughout the process.

Dental Implants


Dental Implants Procedures in Turkey

Dental implants are medical devices surgically implanted into the jaw to restore a person's ability to chew or their appearance. They provide support for artificial (fake) teeth, such as crowns, bridges, or dentures.
Implant treatments consist of two stages: the surgical stage where implants are placed in the jawbone and the prosthesis stage where prosthetic teeth with superstructures are applied. Implant applications are applied to perform fixed prosthesis applications or for moving prostheses to stand more stable in the mouth. Implant treatment can be applied in almost every case with the developing technology.

What are dental implants made of?

A Dental Implant is a small titanium screw that is placed within the jawbone to replace teeth that are already missing or are in need of replacement. Implants are made of titanium as titanium is known to integrate with your natural bone. It is the same material used in knee and hip replacements. Consequently the Implant forms an artificial tooth root that anchors in place a new dental crown. In the case of multiple teeth missing along the same row (three or more teeth) an Implant Bridge can be attached to the Implants. Since the Implant fuses to the jawbone, the end look and feel is completely natural.

dental treatment procedures

How Many Dental Implants do I need?

Depending on how many teeth you have missing will depend on the number of Implants you will need. Dental Implants can be used to replace any amount of teeth -  from a single missing tooth to full mouth restoration. The expert dental team will tailor a treatment plan to suit your personal requirements.Generally the dentists do not replace every missing tooth with a Dental Implant. If you have NO teeth on your upper and lower jaws they will usually place 6 Implants along the upper jaw and 6 Implants along the lower jaw, 12 in total. These Implants will support a full set of 28 teeth (14 teeth along each jaw).  If you have a gap where 3 or 4 teeth are missing along the same row, 2 Dental Implants (one at each end of the gap) will be placed. These Implants will support a 3 or 4 Tooth Dental Implant Bridge. Alternatively, if you only have one tooth missing, 1 single Dental Implant and Implant Crown will be placed.

How can I have Dental Implants done in Turkey??

Your dentistry treatment can be completed in two short visits to Turkey. The first visit is for the placing of your Dental Implants. Following your Implant placement you must wait a minimum of 3 months before your permanent Implant Crown(s) can be fitted. This is very important for all patients to ensure your Implants have time to settle and are strong in the jawbone before any weight or force is applied, ensuring the long-term success of your treatment. During visit one a temporary solution can be applied so you will not return home without the appearance and function of teeth. On your return visit to Turkey the Implant Crowns or Dental Implant Bridges will be fitted to the Implants and your dentistry treatment will be completed

The Stages of Dental Implant Treatment

Scheduling: All you need to do is, sharing some photos of your mouth. You can share your X-Ray and CT-Scan, so that we can check the condition of bones and nerves. And if everything is okay, we can set an appointment for treatment. 

Treatment: It includes fixing the screw and abutment. We will fit the titanium screw in your jawbone. The healing of stitches could take 3-4 days which you can spend poolside, enjoying shiny weather.

Recovering: During the recovery period of 3 to 4 months, you need to take care of the oral hygiene and eating soft food. After this, you need visit back to us for crowns.

Holywood Smile


Why Holywood Smile

A healthy and beautiful smile is the best thing of any person. But if something is wrong with the teeth, many have difficulties in communication and cease to lead a day-to-day lifestyle.
Smile makeover is finest piece of art and science. To meet patient’s expectations dentist must have to pay close attention to even very small details. Some people want to improve the colour of teeth while others are not satisfied with the shape and size of the teeth. As Renovated Me, we are offering best Holywood Smile treatment in Turkey at ultra modern clinics, with highly trained dentists and cutting edge technology.

You are one step away from;

  • Confident smile
  • High self-esteem
  • Improved speech
  • Able to eat any food
  • Affordable prices

Your first visit will be consultation, examination and taking photographs. While you will enjoy beautiful city, we will prepare 3D models of your new smile. On your second visit, we will make some changes if you wish and discuss your treatment plan. This step give patient autonomy in deciding what to do and what not to do.

Hollywood Smile Treatments

Inlays/Onlays: Also known as indirect fillings, inlays and onlays made from porcelain or composite materials are a long-lasting yet cosmetic way to provide a “filling” to teeth with tooth decay or similar structural damage. Whereas dental fillings are molded into place within the mouth during a dental visit, inlays and onlays are created in a dental laboratory before being fitted and adhesively bonded into place by your dentist.

Composite Bonding: Chipped, broken, discoloured or decayed teeth may be repaired or have their appearance corrected using a procedure called composite bonding. A dental composite material with the look of enamel and dentin is applied into the cavity or onto the surface of a tooth, where it is then sculpted into shape, contoured and hardened with a high-intensity light. The result is a restoration that blends invisibly with the remainder of the surrounding tooth structure and the rest of your natural teeth to create a healthy, bright smile.

Teeth Whitening: Teeth whitening is perhaps the most commonly recommended cosmetic dentistry procedure. Teeth are often stained from smoking, food, drink (coffee, tea or red wine) or poor oral hygiene. Bleaching the teeth can enhance the appearance of your smile.

Dental Veneers: Composite or porcelain laminates that are adhesively bonded to the surface of a tooth to correct and repair chips and cracks will improve a worn appearance or severe tooth discoloration. Veneers may also be recommended if you have gaps in your teeth or if you have not had success with teeth whitening. Evaluate porcelain veneers cost and determine whether dental insurance may offset the cost.

Dental Implants: Dental implants are artificial tooth root replacements that are used as a part of prosthetic (artificial replacement) dentistry in order to compensate for tooth loss. Often the result is not only an enhanced smile, but also a more youthful appearance, since missing teeth cause the face to collapse, making you look older.

Hollywood Smile: Smile makeovers involve a comprehensive assessment of your smile esthetics in order to improve its overall appearance. Typically one or more cosmetic dentistry procedures, such as dental veneers, dental implants, gingival sculpting and teeth whitening, will be required for several teeth in both the upper and lower arches in order to achieve the look you want.

Full mouth reconstruction: While consulting with you about a smile makeover to primarily improve the esthetic appearance of your smile, your dentist may discover that there is a need to provide necessary treatment to correct functional problems with your bite, muscles, teeth and bone structure. If you need full mouth reconstruction, the materials available today make it possible for your dentist to provide you with durable, functional and clinically sound treatments that also look natural.

Dental Veneers

What is Dental Veneers ?

There are mainly two types of dental veneers in dentistry;

  • Laminate Veneer; a thin porcelain layer covering only the front part of your tooth.
  • Full Veneer or Dental Crown; a porcelain “crown” covering all surfaces of the tooth.

Usually, when people refer to veneers, they mean laminate veneers.

dentistry procedures

Should I go with Laminate Veneers or Full Veneers?

In many cases, you can decide which one you want, but it may not always be the best option for you. Some patients insist on having laminate veneers while their teeth are not suitable for this procedure. And some insist on shaving their healthy teeth to have a full set of crowns (full veneers) which we also do not recommend.

You should choose laminate veneer if you have a healthy tooth and you need an aesthetic improvement like restoring a chipped tooth, close a gap between teeth or change the colour of the tooth. 

  • A very thin amount of the tooth enamel is removed.
  • Suitable only for front or side teeth, both on the lower and upper jaw. 
  • They are not durable as full veneers (dental crowns).

You should choose full veneer (a.k.a. dental crown) if your teeth are in weak condition and you need both functional and aesthetic improvement. In some cases, where the tooth is in very bad condition, the patient may require a dental implant before having a full veneer.

  • Suitable for any tooth, both on the lower and upper jaw.
  • More durable than laminate veneers and supports weak teeth.
  • Less expensive than laminate veneers with a longer lifetime.

Zirconia or Porcelain: What’s the difference ?

This choice is only available for full veneers (dental crowns). Laminate veneers are made of porcelain and we will keep them out of this topic for a while. 

If you previously heard about zirconia, you probably should know that it’s a very durable material used for dental treatments. It’s a popular choice for veneers in Turkey as well. Zirconia veneers have many advantages over metal-porcelain veneers and comes with one obvious disadvantage; price.

  • Porcelain crowns have metal core and porcelain covered around it. It may have “shadows” near gum line due to color of the metal. While zirconia crowns is made of zirconium core, which is white and have no shadows having the most natural appearance.
  • As we stated before, porcelain crowns are more budget-friendly than zirconia crowns.
  • Porcelain crowns last anywhere up to 10 years. Zirconia can last patient’s lifetime with a proper dental care.
  • Zirconia crowns will not cause allergies in patients who have allergic reactions to metal-porcelain restorations.

Teeth Whitening


What is Teeth Whitening ?

Teeth whitening treatment can fulfill your dreams! 

With the help of this treatment, you can get rid of stained and discoloured formations on teeth.

We see people struggling from teeth discolouration and how hard they find to get rid of this problem. Teeth whitening is a perfect solution for all those who want to change the color of natural teeth and decayed teeth. The whole process is a safe way to whiten teeth and get back your beautiful smile.

Structural defects that occur during the formation of teeth in childhood, some antibiotics exposed in infancy or in the womb, food and drinks consumed in daily life (coloring materials such as cigarettes, tea and coffee) and the amount of fluoride in drinking water can cause discolouration.

Can anyone have teeth whitening ?

Anyone who does not have any tooth and gum disease that prevents the procedure can have teeth whitening treatment, but a dentist examination must be done before bleaching. Those with advanced caries and gum disease should have the bleaching process applied after the treatments to be applied by their physicians. Apart from this, it is not recommended to apply teeth whitening to people who have not completed their growth and development, pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers.

Teeth whitening treatment does not give the same results for everyone; How much tooth colour will lighten depends on the structure of the tooth.

How Long Does Teeth Whitening Last?

Well, the effect of the teeth whitening process may differ from one person to another.  Usually, it lasts for around 6 months to 2 years. It may also last beyond this duration if not taken care of properly. You must avoid eating foods that cause discoloration and get yourself checked after some duration. Also, use only the products recommended by your dentist.

Fancy a quick chat?
Feel free to connect with us through WhatsApp, for a quick and convenient chat.

Have questions or enquiries regarding our services?
We will answer all your questions, provide you the best advice and recommendations from our highly talented and experienced doctors.

What Is Included In
Dental Treatment Package

  • Dental Treatment
  • Transfers between airport – hospital – hotel
  • Accommodation
  • Assistance for medical services

Check our " How It Works" page for details.

Not knowing what to expect, or what will happen and when... These can be devastating and make you anxious. So, we prepared a detailed timeline of our treatment services in Turkey.

You can also contact us for further information. Our experienced team will help you with your enquiries

Safety Features

For Dental Implants, WE ONLY USE Swedish and German Implants - 10 Yrs Warranty Latest, cutting-edge technology at out clinics

Top Facilities

Our Hospitals are Accredited and representing Gold Standards in Hygiene and Quality.

Top Dentists

Our Doctors are member of well respected organisations.They are well trained with up-to-date cutting-edge treatments and technology.

Certified Service

Renovated Me team is a certified and registered business. Our team is trained to facilitate hassle-free medical travel for our clients.

No Waiting Time
Affordable Prices

Experience the comfort of having your surgery at the most affordable prices, without any waiting time.



As Renovated Me, our aim is 100% client satisfaction. Our staff are well trained and equipted with best experience and knowledge within their fields. Our service does not end with the procedure, but also when the client returns to home after treatment, our follow ups and support will still continue, making sure they are feeling well and getting results.

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